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auDA AGM 2011 Election Results


Top Contributor
Here are the election results from the AGM held earlier today.

In Supply Class George & Kartic were elected:

* George Pongas - 12 votes
* Kartic Srinivasan - 7 votes

Kevin Karp - 6 votes

In Demand Class Paul Levins and myself were elected:

* Joshua Rowe - 79 votes
* Paul Levins - 64 votes

Erhan Karabardak - 60 votes
Simon Johnson - 41 votes
Rosemary Sinclair - 12 votes
Lisa Jarrett - 7 votes

I think it is fantastic to see so many auDA members participating in the election process. I hope that enthusiasm continues throughout the year in policy review panels and other auDA related activities.

Personally, I will remain active in the DNT forums and look forward to continuing the discussion/debate about improving .au policy for the benefit of all stakeholders.
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Top Contributor
Very close indeed. It's a shame to see Erhan miss out by just a handful of votes.

I totally agree. You got really close this time Erhan.

Congratulations to Josh Rowe and Paul Levins. I hope you both remain available to represent domainer issues, and keep in touch with us via DNT.

One thing I do find amazing is how Paul attracted so many votes as a first up candidate - particularly as he has been overseas for so long. That is quite a remarkable effort.


Top Contributor
hopefully ALL candidates will stay active on this forum and listen to the 600+ members.... Next year is another vote!

Come on guys its not good enough people are on the board for 10 years and nothing changes!! Is it?? I never believed rumours of a "club' before but maybe now
its worth believing

What would it hurt having Erhan and Simon on board really?

lets see how active people remain on dntrade.com.au. Time will tell

It was amazing to see an Influx of new members join over the last 6 months to vote. Very strange of the outcome but

with 600 + members on dntrade its interesting maybe people dont want to pay auda to join as members to vote or they did not vote? Should voting be free and open to non "auda members"?

Candidates...hope you are listening now to the forum members here at least and are open to more positive change :). Congrats at least to all ! This forum is not just domainers there are hundreds of other people... all who have concerns that need to be considered over the next year please!

In the end think of improving the .au namespace please! It still has too much red tape and problems.. some of you can fix it! Please do it!
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One thing I do find amazing is how Paul attracted so many votes as a first up candidate - particularly as he has been overseas for so long. That is quite a remarkable effort.

Ned I agree, when I asked Paul whether he had a hard campaign his reply was to the effect 'not at all I just sent out a few emails'

I had better copy his emails they were obviously very effective


Top Contributor
Yes Erhan & Simon - commiserations & well done for all your efforts & congratulations to the winners.

One thing I do find amazing is how Paul attracted so many votes as a first up candidate - particularly as he has been overseas for so long. That is quite a remarkable effort.

It sure is! However he certainly has some great credentials - check these endorsements - http://paullevins.com/recommendations/

Paul I trust you will remember the following statement moving forward :)

...I'd be crazy if I didn't recognise on this forum the importance of domainers, the validity and importance of those business and the responsible way in which they conduct themselves.

Josh, likewise I hope you remember all the positive stuff you have said about domainers on this forum in your role.
Thanks David

We gave it our best and played by the rules.

The important thing is for this community to keep auDA and its board accountable for their serious policy failings.

It was pleasing to see that our community successfully stopped a change to the constitution yesterday. Hopefully auDA will now pay more attention to what our community concerns are.

Simon Johnson

Top Contributor
Yes Erhan & Simon - commiserations & well done for all your efforts & congratulations to the winners.

Thanks David for your support.

We gave it our best and played by the rules.

Agreed - I can sleep at night. ;)

It was pleasing to see that our community successfully stopped a change to the constitution yesterday.

This is a very significant milestone and a "game-changer". In fact, I can't recall ever seeing such a motion fail (to pass).

While sitting at the AGM, there were only a few hands that went up to block that constitutional change. In terms of 2011 Board Candidates, one of them was Erhans and the other - mine.

Great work everyone and thanks again for your support.
Josh I am pleased to hear that you are serious about your engagement with us, however, the proof will be in the pudding!

I know that everyone here including me will hold you to your word.


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wonder what happened to this news item. It raises a good question about who monitors and has the power to audit Auda.

It seems the original contract was given to Auda over 10 years ago. Might be time for a refresh by the government to see all is going well at least?

http://www.zdnet.com.au/government-eyes-auda-regulation-339301394.htm Government eyes auDA regulation?


In December 2000, the Australian Government formally endorsed auDA as the appropriate body to administer the .au domain space. The Government holds reserve powers in relation to domain names under the Telecommunications Act 1997.
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Top Contributor
Now elections are over lets all hope it raised some questions and at least people are more accountable and open to change and input from others. Its also great now many " sides" and viewpoints can be openly discussed here on the .au namespace.

Hopefully more input from policy makers staff etc become involved and open minded to .au namespace policy progress
, less red tape and reforms

THANKS dntrade and admin for the good work. Also dntrade members such as netfleet.com.au drop.com.au ( domain aftermarket systems) and ventraip ( for lowest .au pricing) have all been a huge benefit to the changing .au name space.

netfleet.com.au has over 10,000 members looking to buy and sell domain names. That should say something about why some policy deregulation was long overdue! More still needs to be fixed... Hopefully Josh and others will see it happens now!


How many people think every domain name owner in australia has a right to vote and for free without paying Auda members fees ? Why should voting be limited to so few every year?

Auda could easily send an email to all domain name owners offering them the right and invitation to vote. The process could be online, safe, secure and even done by a third party. This would be great as more people would learn about the .au namespace and show interest in it, offer suggestions, assistence, expertise whatever ... not many have a clue about Auda and what they do really. 99.9999% of domain name holders would not know of any Auda election, policy committees etc. EVERY .au domain owner needs the right to be heard and vote FREE next time

Over 2 Million .au domain names are registered and is it true less than 100 people voted?! PLEASE lets see some more positive changes and a wider invitation for more voters and input!
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If there is a reassignment of the delegation of authority for administration of the au ccTLD from auDA to another party, auDA agrees to cooperate and comply with the requirements of the Commonwealth and/or ICANN in order to effect the transfer and redelegation of authority for the au ccTLD;

Auda does do a great job but some things could be improved... much like all of us! I do hope they continue to run the .au namespace but continue to listen and be open for reviews and changes when needed.

Many might not know who they are so here is their speal :)


About auDA

.au Domain Administration Ltd (auDA) is the policy authority and industry self-regulatory body for the .au domain space.

Role of auDA

auDA performs the following functions:
•develop and implement domain name policy
•license 2LD registry operators
•accredit and license registrars
•implement consumer safeguards
•facilitate .au Dispute Resolution Policy
•represent .au at ICANN and other international fora.

History of auDA

The .au domain space is a vital national resource, and in 1999, as the culmination of efforts since 1995, auDA was formed to manage it.

In December 2000, the Australian Government formally endorsed auDA as the appropriate body to administer the .au domain space. The Government holds reserve powers in relation to domain names under the Telecommunications Act 1997.

In October 2001, ICANN recognised auDA as the suitable operator for .au under a Sponsorship Agreement.
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