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Domain Valuation Tool - beta testers needed!

In general would valuations be closer to the mark if they were

  • 100% higher

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50% higher

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 25% higher

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 25% lower

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50% lower

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Top Contributor
Finally we're ready to put our valuation tool out for testing.

It's been many weeks in the making & takes into account well over 20 different factors to gauge a domain name's worth.

It's not perfect (no valuation tool ever can be) but hopefully it can be used as a bit of a guide and help bring buyers and sellers closer together.

We would really appreciate any feedback that you guys can give. Are results too high or too low? Are there areas/niches that get unfairly penalised or benefited?

Anyway if you want to be involved & have a play with the tool please PM or email us your netfleet user name & we'll add it to your member's panel.... we're not making it available to everyone just yet.

Thanks in advance!
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Top Contributor
Hi David,
I'll have a play, keep up the good work, let me know when its available to use in my account.


Top Contributor
Hi Don

Added - if you're logged in to Netfleet, pls log out and back in again

Cheers, Mark


Top Contributor
Hi David & Mark,
Had a play, seems about right for geo's, tried it on generics and I guess it was lower than I would have expected. But really it is only a guide and at the end of the day, its what someone is willing to pay and what the buyer expects that counts.
Still a nice addition and well done.



Good to hear about this David and Mark, just created an account (dntrade) and will give it a go.


Top Contributor
Soj - ok great. Ive now added the tool to your profile

Don - thanks for the feedback. Agreed it is a guide as no automated program can assess a sites worth 100%. Interested to know what types of generics you feel it is a little harsh on? eg one word, two word, geo-generic etc? Thanks Don


Top Contributor
I tried it on cheaphotels.com.au and I think it came in pretty low, cloudcomputing.com.au was low to from memory. So 2 word generics is the answer. Had a couple of beers and forgot which one's lol, must of killed a few more brain cells. :D



Top Contributor
Hi Folks - cycloptik, ryhthm, troywhiteinternet, and domainlover - you now should all see the domain valuation tool in your members area. Thanks!


works pretty well mark, some reasonable prices for reasonable domains, much better than giving some amateur domain owners big heads about how much their domains are worth.


Top Contributor
Gave it a run guys - it works really well!

You can argue all day about valuations, previous sales, etc but this tool provides a great starting point. I've had offers both over and under the results for different domains but the tool isn't intended to be 100% accurate. You're never going to be able to factor in individual buyer and seller motivations such as financial position, lifestyle, dreams, etc.

The most surprising was www.propertysale.com.au at $1300. Based on the industry, keywords and number of monthly Google searches I would have expected higher for this.

I note that I'm limited to 100 valuations - I just ran 5 and I've forgotten 3 already. Will these valuations be stored somewhere? Will we have the option to make the valuation available next to our listing?

Also, I just ran a xxxxxx.com through twice. The system returned an error stating no results for "xxxxxx.com." and also subtracted 2 attempts from my 100.

Just ran a .com.au and recieved the error again - the system looks to be adding a "." such as xxxx.com.au."

"Domain valuation not found for portstevens.com.au."
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Top Contributor
Thanks for all the feedback guys.

Yes there's no way a tool like this can be perfect. Valuation is highly subjective - it's what a buyer is prepared to pay nothing more or less if you think about it.

Troy, that's a fair call about propertysale.com.au - it should be worth more I agree. At the moment it is a bit harsh on certain compound words (as Don suggested previously) & that's something we're working on...

We don't store the results as it is only in beta and as for the 100 limit, let us know when you're nearly out & we'll retop it up no probs.

As for how we'll use the results on the site when it's out of beta, we're not altogether set on this. We'll use it in the best possible way to encourage sales & we are open to ideas how you feel that could be.

Lastly - the errors - I think that's because you're trying domains not in Netfleet. It takes a little while to gather the data for each domain so we can't do a live check (just yet).

Thanks again!

Oh and I added a poll - please vote!!
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Top Contributor
I get a 'Domain valuation not found for XXXX.com.au' when I try any of my domains listed with Netfleet. Maybe because they were only listed a couple of days ago?


Top Contributor
Hi Cycloptik,

Yes, you guessed right. Sorry for the hassle, but not every domain listed in Netfleet has been updated, I'm afraid. We'll be up to date pretty soon & eventually we should be able to get it to work on any domain in real time.


Top Contributor
Hi Guys,

Difficult to participate in the poll:

- I thought some were about right
- a couple were higher than expected
- most were lower

Apart from the compound words (such as "propertysale.com.au") already discussed, this probably makes it pretty close in terms of 'paper' valuations.


Top Contributor
Just updated the tool if you are interested.

Addressed that compound word problem (although might need more work on this) and added a couple of other features in the member's area.


I tend to disagree Troy, Google's results can be a little misleading when it comes to search results. when you do a keyword search for property sale, that 110,000 shows every result searched which include the words property and sale. so "country property for sale with pool" would count as one of those results.

Also, if you look at the Google data for property sale, the Approx Search Volume for February was only 590 searches, which is quite a difference from the 110,000 avg

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