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Have you published a book ?

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I am nearly halfway through the first edit of my 150,000 word novel which is a sci-fi action based story

i had some trippy dreams when i gave smoking all the fun things and one particular dream stayed with me enough to decide to act on it and write something connected , a year and a bit later the first draft is done and although my vocabulary is somewhat lacking it is a good tale even if not expertly composed

Although i do have a few questions

How did you go about getting your book published ?

Did you try a number of times before it was accepted

Did you write a novel or perhaps an ebook ?

Have the sales been more or less than what you hoped for ?

Did you get rejected and end the end just say F**k It i'll do an ebook/novel

where are you selling this ebook/novel

Maybe you made a site dedicated to the book at the main sales outlet ?

did it go worldwide ?

are you perhaps Steven King in disguise when you are here at namepros ?

What can you share with the class ?

All suggestions and advice much appreciated indeed


Regular Member
I know some vague information due to an old friend being a journalist.

You need to find a Agent. Agents are the once who sell the story to publishing houses.
You dont pay the agent. They earn a commission from the publishing house when he sells the story.

Im pretty sure you dont submit the whole story to them. Only a synopsis/blurb of what the story is about and the first one or two chapters.

If your grammar etc isn't that great...you can hire professionals to edit your story. But I assume that would be costly. So perhaps get your first few chapters professionally written (and get the rest done if a publishing house is giving it serious thought.) This way when you initially submit to your Agent/Publishing house...it doesn't come across too amateurish.

Dont let this discourage you. But you might find it difficult due to not having previous credits under your name.


Archived Member
Why don't you try self publishing on the Kindle platform. Amazon sell more kindle books than physical books now.


Top Contributor
Hey Spacey,
When it becomes a movie I'll be first in line, love scifi, bring back Stargate Atlantis.


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Give us a snippet.

The city was finding it hard to cope with the rapid new influx of people and activity, it seemed gridlock was the new fashion as many of the frustrated travelers started to leave their cars where they were stuck in traffic, they simply just got out and walked towards Harlem and the ones who did not know where Harlem was? Well they just followed the crowd,


Top Contributor
Wow, that's very impressive! I guess for every Amanda there are thousands who struggle to sell one copy though.

Almost make me want to start writing again...

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Wow, that's very impressive! I guess for every Amanda there are thousands who struggle to sell one copy though.

Almost make me want to start writing again...

well if don't ever try you will never find out , at the end of the day the modern world at least offers the chance to share the result via self publishing

halfway through the first edit i see improvement with room to grow

........thanks for all imput


Top Contributor
I think its cool that you are writing a novel spacey. I could never finish something like that so good for you. I did pick up on one thing though; the year is 2042 and yet people are still being named names like Garry? Did it make its way out and make a comeback in the future? Will the romantic's name be Sharren (or Shazza?). I can only imagine futuristic names like ne0 and h7654. Do you think it's possible people will start using numbers in their names in the future? Anythings possible right?

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I think its cool that you are writing a novel spacey. I could never finish something like that so good for you. I did pick up on one thing though; the year is 2042 and yet people are still being named names like Garry? Did it make its way out and make a comeback in the future? Will the romantic's name be Sharren (or Shazza?). I can only imagine futuristic names like ne0 and h7654. Do you think it's possible people will start using numbers in their names in the future? Anythings possible right?

Yes a 150,000 words adds up to an involved edit , i have been advised to do two more edits !

But it's his 49th birthday, so he was born back when people still had names

i still remember the sienfeld where george suggests the name 'soda'
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