Hi Max,
So your complaint is why is there no time added onto our auctions following a last minute bid.
I thought I would address publically in case other people have the same question.
The answer is no, we do not add time on the the auctions. They finish on the dot at 3pm. Just like Ebay, for example.
I'm sorry you were outbid in the last few minutes. My advice is always to put a proxy at the absolute max that you would be prepared to pay knowing that it will automatically reduce to the lowest possible to win the domain.
If current bid is $50, say and you think the domain is worth $2000, make that $2000 proxy - don't be tempted to think 'It's only $50 so I'll just pop a bid of $200' because you might get beaten.
Hope that helps
I have to take you to task on this issue seeing that you elected to take it public ..
//So your complaint is why is there no time added onto our auctions following a *last minute* bid.//
David there was no last minute bid. I was on that auction for the last 45 minutes .. there was no other bid during that time .. when the clock stopped i was the high bidder .. when the page refeshed the notice said that i had been out bid by $1 .. there was nothing, nada, zilch, to indicate to me that there was an over bid, nothing on the site no email notification nothing .. who ever placed the over bid and sucked up my proxy limit did it in a millisecond! .. i doudt that even the best online auction expert could wait till the auction end was within milliseconds of closing before placing a bid .. indeed it appears they did so .. consider that they are an expert in live auction bidding ..
I still have no notification of being out bid .. i have had no response from Netfleet to my site contact submission .. thats poor form ..
The auction format is poorly implemented .. what you want bidders to do is place a proxy to the extreme end of what they might be prepared to pay .. this may be ok if one is not in attendance .. i was live on the site ..
This is an auction for C*sake .. people do stupid things at auctions .. they can pay a lot more for something than they intended to at the begining it's in the heat of the moment thats what auctions are geared to do ..
Your auction is open to being 'gamed' 'Halverez' style shill bidding .. push the bid up to find out what the proxy limit is of the high bidder the difference is that Halverez could see the proxy limit .. some one not an insider has to bid up a name to find out what the oppositions proxy limit is ..
I am not insinuating that this is the case here just that your style of auction leaves that door open ..
A delay/extension of time after a bid in the closing minutes would be far more preferable than the current format .. thats why the hammer falls three times before an item is knocked down to the highest bidder in the real auction world .. makes more money for the vendor and the auctioneer ..