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The numbers just don't stack up


Top Contributor
Interesting - so new data would be much more accurate, I presume. Still wouldn't have thought the difference would be that great though?


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There must be more to it that that as a lot of terms are miles different, 5 fold, 10 fold etc. From what I have seen of it all the "search partners" added up are maybe 20% of Google's traffic.


Top Contributor
Hi Andrew,

Yet on today's email from Drop it says 40,500.

Massive difference across Google's own tools. (Not anyone's fault)

Which of the 3 numbers should I base my valuation on?

Maternity values on stats being provided:
720 searches - $400
22,200 searches - $1200
40,500 searches - $2300

So which should we use to buy on the Drop?

Historically for me the logged in version is correct. Therefore I will be buying and speculating NOT on the numbers being provided on the daily email lists. The numbers being provided are not accurate in my opinion. These big numbers often inflate the price. I hope this doesn't hurt domainers in the short term, especially if Google were to only provide logged in numbers.

Imagine a name you bought on the basis it has 40,500 exact local searches, then Google comes out and says that the only accurate number to use (or only tool provided) is in fact the "logged in" version of 720. What has this done to value of your name?

So...been updating some GAKT data since Googles update, and trying to rationalize some of the more recent domain sales and was wondering if anybody has figured out why maternity.com.au went for $11,111? given that it has LMS = [880] and "135000" for exact match & phrase match respectively.
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Top Contributor
So...been updating some GAKT data since Googles update, and trying to rationalize some of the more recent domain sales and was wondering if anybody has figured out why maternity.com.au went for $11,111? given that it has LMS = [880] and "135000" for exact match & phrase match respectively.

Maternity I think you find the new owner placed a rather large proxy bid to guarantee themselves the domain thinking that noone will bid anywhere near that and a second person put in another high proxy thinking that they too would guarantee themselves the name...

Yes GAKT is now much more accurate since this thread began. Believe the numbers people - they are real.


Top Contributor
Makes sense, but still pricey for a domainer vs domainer finish, compare it to BlueMountains.com.au, which was won by the enduser (?), in what I assume was an enduser vs developer finish.


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Time to stop using the Google Keyword tool -

"Attendees sat stunned at #SMX East as Baris Gultekin, Group Product Manager, Google AdWords, Google, Inc. clarified that the ubiquitous AdWords Keyword Tool now only provides keywords Google deems “commercial.” It’s been obvious anyway by degraded results over the last few weeks. This represents a shift of seismic proportions to those who utilize the tool for demographic research purposes, in and outside of AdWords."

So yeah time to use other keyword tools, Too bad I have tested like 20 different tools and they all suck for the Australian market.


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Baris Gultekin, Group Product Manager, Google AdWords, Google, Inc. clarified that the ubiquitous AdWords Keyword Tool now only provides keywords Google deems “commercial.”

Sounds strange and I'm not sure I really believe it. But if it is true it may be a blessing in disguise for some domainers :)


Top Contributor
Sounds strange and I'm not sure I really believe it. But if it is true it may be a blessing in disguise for some domainers :)

This has been all over the big SEO and SEM blogs in the USA for the last few days.

Interesting developments, just makes SEO's work harder I guess ;) Good thing I have a few other advanced keyword research tools in the bag.


Top Contributor
Yeah I have been reading the same news that has been coming out of SMX. Personally I don't think it's the end of the world.


Top Contributor
Should it be any surprise at all? The name in itself - "ADwords" tells the whole story, always has - was developed for Adwords clients, not domainers. Why would anyone be interested in keywords that were not "commercial"??

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