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wordpress domain


Top Contributor
would i get into trouble if i registered a domain like
wordpresssolutions, studiopresshelp, woocommercedesigner ?

not that i intend to do thsoe exact doms but the common theme here is i'm not selling anythign other then myself so would they have issues with that?

my view is it would probably take them years to even find me, and if i had affiliate links to their sites to actually buy things or donate then they would just say "cool, let it be"



Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I quite often get a theme from genericwordpressthemes.com and they have been online for a while ........in answer to your question if you go to uspto.gov you will see there is a trademark for wordpress

Seems many try their luck regardless


Top Contributor
thanks spacey, theres a few threads at the moment that say TM's don't matter.

johno69, i meant the domain name not the quality of the site, but i agree.

i thnk i answer my own question sorry.



Top Contributor
Make sure the content relates solely to WP and chuck a disclaimer in and you'll be fine.

You're right - if you're just promoting WP they will be fine with it. Even if they aren't they'd struggle to accuse you of bad faith if you are doing the right thing as per above.


Top Contributor
thanks davidL

i think i'll be ok, my idea is very pro-active wp so i think i'll be ok.

haven't decided on a name or even looked yet but wanted wordpress in it.

so don't bother anyone trying to register every variation know to man as you'll be wating your money. most likely someone did it years ago



Top Contributor
So know i actually start looking for a hand reg i find this post isn't worth it as everyone has registered one already

maybe i'll hand reg a hypen .net.au , LOLLLLLL



Top Contributor
WordPress themselves have a post on this subject

The don't mind registrations so long as they are redirected to non-TM breaches

I am not sure how effective so called "seo-friendly" redirects are these days


Top Contributor
WordPress themselves have a post on this subject

The don't mind registrations so long as they are redirected to non-TM breaches

I am not sure how effective so called "seo-friendly" redirects are these days

thanks for that info, as always i keep within the law and respect these things

i ahd a client wanting to register some domains the other week and i said " i think you are going to run into trouble" , so i made some phone calls and they confirmed most likely the regos would cause problems.

better to tell clients straight up rather then have them come back at you later.



Archived Member
I can't remember the site but they had wordpress in the url and lost the name. I believe it was a theme based site, they were not trying to pass themselves off as the official wordpress site.

A lot of people have taken to using prefixWP.com or WPsuffix.com instead and it's probably a wise move given ma.tt is a nazi.


Top Contributor
Good info J B but I,m heading for a full Wordpress??????com.au

And take my chances, my plan is all good for wp so I don,t think they will mind.

But I would say its a 2013 project as 2012 is pretty busy.



Top Contributor

I recently registered a domain drupal....com.au with the intention of creating a site similar to what you are describing. As David said if the content is WP specific you will be OK.
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