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Standard Domain Name Transfer contract?


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Is there a resource that has a domain name transfer contract for both seller and buyer?


Top Contributor
As this is "dntrade" perhaps it would be useful for members to have one.

I've sold many domains for myself and others and have never found the need for a contract.

To me an invoice with any terms or special conditions contained therein is more than satisfactory. The only exception to this perhaps is if it was for a really large transaction.

If there is ever a concern about money, as David has said, use Escrow.com. Once again, I've never found need to do that.

Most domain owners that I know of won't transfer the domain until they have received payment.

Drop have a fantastic COR process which gives comfort to both buyer and seller along the way. If you haven't read it previously, here it is:

Steps to a Transfer (Change of Registrant)

1. A buyer and seller agree on a sale price
2. The seller ensures that the domain is in their drop.com.au account (They can transfer it in if necessary).
3. The seller selects the domain for transfer (Change of Registrant) and then nominates a buyer (by providing their email address), and nominates a payee
4. The sale is recorded and appears in the seller's account under "most recent sales"
5. Drop.com.au will email the buyer, and set the state to REQUESTED
6. The buyer is now required to click the link in the email and either sign up or log in to drop.com.au
7. Once the buyer is established as a drop user, the state will move to SOLD and will appear in the buyers account
8. Drop.com.au will email the seller, with terms and conditions and set the state to SELLERMAIL
9. The seller is required to click the link in the email to accept the terms of the sale
10. Drop.com.au will email the buyer, with terms and conditions and set the state to BUYERMAIL
11. The buyer is required to click the link in the email to accept the terms of the sale
12. Drop.com.au will produce an invoice in the account for the PAYEE for the Transfer (Change of Registrant) Fee plus the sale amount if applicable and set the state to INVOICED
13. The payee is required to pay the invoice
14. Drop.com.au will detect that the invoice is paid and set the state to PENDING
15. Once the Transfer (Change of Registrant) process is completed the state will be set to COMPLETE


Top Contributor
I think the key thing when selling a domain is to be professional. Instant communication, deliver a professional invoice including full contact details (including physical address and landline) and a brief list of steps to take.

Doing this, as a seller I've been able to accept full payment before transfer except for perhaps a couple of times where we've gone 50:50. And that's out of well over 100 sales.

And as Ned said once payment has come through Drop have the best COR


Top Contributor
I can see how it may be useful..

I have seen one before that was drafted by a legal expert for use on a $xx,xxx .com.au sale.

Don't have a copy available to me anymore.

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