Hi Ian,
I've always just given a price per year explaining what they get, once agreed, send an invoice.
Fairly straight forward, use the kiss method I say.
i totally agree with don, i've been doing it for years " if nothing is in writing then its just you against them"
i sell a bunch load of banners on local sites i own and its all handshake, i do the right thing and everyones happy.
stats, metrics etc are all BS and most businesses get it everyday from the radio and tv station salespeople. ( which i have been ) , so they are BORED of it.
just have a good story, "hey , i got this website and if someone was looking for YOU wouldn't you go there? yep ! well its $xxx and i can give you this this this for a year.
shake hands.... over the phone
....... and send an invoice, get the graphics via email and do what you promised.
if you are thinking big companies then you do need to play the game, i personally go the little guy and get momentum before spending money on mediakits.
once you have that cred its easier to sell up into higher markets.
as i have said before, i do not have a single signed document between a client and myself EVER and that predates my domain era 2001 to 1994.
i suppose these days i have emails that detailing discussions, but agreements are mostly made on the phone handshake or an email saying "deal done".