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Presentation on Marketing to Chinese in Australia + Networking (Wednesday Night)


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William Chen, CEO of China Key will be doing a presentation on Unlocking the Chinese Market in Australia.

Everybody knows China is a huge opportunity, with 550 Million internet users, 1.2 Billion mobiles and in 2013 it is set to overtake the USA as the world's largest E-Commerce spender.

But did you know that there is an even better opportunity and it is right under your noses.

There are currently 700,000 Chinese living in Australia, 700,000 Chinese tourists visiting every year, 170,000 Chinese students and 500,000 Chinese Social Media users IN Australia.

William will be talking about the opportunities for Australian businesses, how he is unlocking the Chinese market for brands like Tom Waterhouse, Sydney Kings Basketball Team, Zookal and more.

He will also present some actionable tips to get started.

Who should come?

Any savvy marketers who is interested in dominating 5-10% of the market, rather sharing 90% with 100 other companies.
Any business who is interested in expanding to China and how you can use Australian-Chinese as a launch pad.
Any social media managers who is interested in how Kevin Rudd got 500,000 Chinese social media followers and how Manchester United have more followers on Weibo (Chinese Twitter) than actual Twitter.
Anyone who wants their eyes opened to a huge opportunity.

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