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Legal use of .au names


New Member
This is no longer a policy, thankfully. You can register a domain to monetize or for resale as your sole intent. So this is no longer the case.

The reason eligibility is still an issue is only because there are still some policy requirements that need to be adhered and as long as registrants do so, then their domain names are generally safe. This is except if you monetize domains and infringe on existing trademarks, so just make sure that the monetized pages are optimized with the right keywords.

Hi Trellian, where is the best place to get some advice on what I can legally do with my new .au domains?


Top Contributor
Hi, That is very generic type of a question. For specific legal advice we would always recommend checking with a solicitor that is in this field, such as Coopermills

As for policy requirements, the only requirement to qualify for .au is to be able to show/prove that you have an Australian presence, and using an ACN or ABN for your domain registration passes that check/requirement.

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