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Jemm Group Intro - Online Display Advertising


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Hey Guys.

My Name is Murray.

I'm posting on behalf of Jemm Group, a Real Time bidding Network.

We are a display advertising Network. What we have differes from your google ads, in that we have an ad space trading system much like the ASX Where publishers (Publishers/Websites) ad space is offered up for advertisers (the buyers) to bid on. This way the publishers get the exact amount for their website, as well as access to high quality advertising, like commbank, ING, Ford, etc. And The buyers get access to a wide range of websites/markets/audiences around the globe.

We've been in existence in the UK for 2 years, and actively been in the Aus market for the same amount of time, there's now enough business over here to have us start up an office in the Aus. Which is what I'm doing.

So if you want advertising on your website. I'm your man! If you want me to advertise your business on our network, I am also your man!! I'm a man of many trades. (well at least more then one!)

Feel free to give me a shout

Check our website jemmgroup.com for more info


Top Contributor
what do you serve when no ones buying the inventory but?

I have tested a few CPM real time suppliers in the past and they do not yield the best results, I am interested to see what you can offer but for AU sites.

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