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Hi from the noobie!!!

Hi people,
Recently came across this forum thanks to Richard Green from 'domain trading post'.
I'm from the sunny Central Coast of NSW and interested to know who else is from up this way... Noticed that a few of the top selling domain names for 2008 are directly related to the Central Coast... wow!!
Also interested to know if a bloke by the name of George May ever gets on here? or if anyone else here knows him. He was featured in one of the Central Coasts local papers a little while back, apparently he owned (at the time) 185,000 domain names:eek:
I have a few domains that I would like to post up to see what people think they are worth but thought I had better post here first.

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Top Contributor
Hi Mint man,

Welcome to the forum! I'm from Sydney so not too far away. Seems to me like there seem to be more domainers towards Melbourne than Sydney area for some reason.

Good luck with tracking down George... wow that's a lot of names!

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