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Hello from Paul Cherry


Top Contributor
Hello everyone,

My name is Paul Cherry, from Brisbane.

I have a wealth of experience in web design/development, affiliate marketing, product development, domain portfolio administration, project management, valuation/appraisals, search engine optimisation, search marketing, analytics and research etc.

I previously worked in various capacities (mainly "Traffic Manager" of an SEO/development team) for DarkBlueSea Ltd in Brisbane, owner of Fabulous.com, DarkBlue.com, Roar.com etc.

After DBS, I worked on/for a premium gambling portal, Poker.com. Originally built and successfully run as the number one ranking "poker" portal, until I was involved in the software development of an online gaming application now known as "Carbon Poker" or the "Merge Gaming Network".

For the past 2 years (and for the next 2 weeks) I have been employed by Boomerang/OMG - Online Marketing Group, Australia's largest domain name owner and website publisher. I have worked on the initial development and roll out of the OMG network over the past 2 years and launched some pretty impressive domains as premium portals. Banks.com.au, CreditCards.com.au, Jobs.com.au etc. However, due to changes within the company (interstate relocation) I have recently resigned from my role as Business Development Manager.

By February 2009, I will be attempting to get my own business off the ground and hopefully working / meeting some more people in the .au name space and domain game.

Thank you in advance for your warm welcome :)


Top Contributor
Well hello again Paul!

That's certainly an impressive CV so I'm looking forward to your input on the boards. Do you have an existing personal portfolio? What are your feelings regarding the .au market/industry?

Good to have you here, mate - welcome!


Top Contributor
welcome paul. good to see someone from omg on forum, good for industry for omg to keep scoring goals

plenty of opportunities out there for someone with your experience,we maybe able to do something together in near future.


Great to have you here Paul. Very impressive CV you have too, I was impressed with the CreditCards.com.au website when i was looking out for a card, helped immensely in what i wanted to know. Looking forward to what you will be working on in the future.

What type of business are you looking to get going on your own?

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